Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Detective Clues

Once upon a time, there was a famous detective and there was a mysterious fire that happened when someone had a rocket ship. Now, it's the part where the story begins.

There happened to be a rocket ship fire, and no one knew how the fire came from the rocket ship. It was mysterious, mysterious indeed. And the famous detective found a thing that he thought was the missing part of the puzzle or the last missing part of the puzzle, but it happened to be that it was only a clue to the puzzle of mystery. The rocket was still flying. But something mysterious happened -- the rocket ship was not built the right way, and it broke. the rockets broke off from the front, and everything fell. They fell right into the ground and it happened to be that the people who were driving the rocket ship knew that it wasn't built properly and knew that the fire was going to be left on the ground, but when it broke, something mysterious happened. The rockets had automatic hoses, and they put out the fire and right when the person who lived in the house came out of the house, the rockets fell off of the mountain.

The End